Winter Tips for Homeowners Help Them Save

Winter Tips for Homeowners Help Them Save

As a homeowner, it is important to take the proper steps during the colder months to get your home ready for the winter. In Oklahoma, we have weather that can feel like a roller coaster. Take advantage of the nice weather days and get your home ready for those cold winter days and months ahead!

As a homeowner, it is important to take the proper steps during the colder months to get your home ready for the winter. In Oklahoma, we have weather that can feel like a roller coaster. Take advantage of the nice weather days and get your home ready for those cold winter days and months ahead!

  1. Programmable Thermostat
    A programmable thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature for you based on your preferred schedule. By making these adjustments you could save up to 15% on your annual heating bill. Don’t have a programmable thermostat? You could get into the habit of adjusting your thermostat manually. Once in the evening before you go to bed and again when everybody leaves for work and school in the morning.
  2. Ceiling Fan
    After a long hot summer of leaving the ceiling fans on, they can be just as efficient in the winter. To do so, flip the switch (located on the base of the fan) to reverse the direction of the fan. This will help circulate the air, especially in large rooms with vaulted ceilings… …rooms with 16′ ceilings the temperature at the top of the room can reach up to 90°!! When below the thermostat reads only 68°. This can be extremely beneficial.
  3. Water Heater
    Try adjusting your water heater to a lower setting and insulating your water lines. This way the water will stay hotter as it travels throughout the house. How old is your hot water heater? If your hot water heater is older there is a slight possibility that the tank might not be insulated. If that is the case you may want to consider purchasing a hot water heater blanket to help insulate your outdated water heater.
  4. Windows
    Consider having your windows reglaze or even replacing them with highly efficient double-hung windows. You would be surprised by how much heat you lose from your windows. New windows not in the budget this year? Try using something more affordable that can still save you through the winter…. …by using what 3M window insulator kits. You can easily and efficiently reduce the loss of heat drastically. Depending on how many windows you have, with less than $25 and a hairdryer you can get rid of those cold drafts coming from your windows.
  5. Chimney
    Your chimney may be one of the most overlooked and may just be totally neglected from preventative maintenance. Have your chimney annually inspected to check for deterioration, water damage, and other signs of wear and tear caused by mother nature’s best.
  6. Water Spigot
    Turing the exterior water spigots off and disconnecting your garden hose is a small and effortless task that can save you a lot of headaches in these winter months. You can also purchase covers for your water faucets to additionally help protect them from bone-chilling temperatures.
  7. Insulation
    We all know that a poorly insulated home can be detrimental to having an energy-efficient house. By educating yourself on what proper insulation is needed in your attic and throughout your house you can drastically reduce your heating bill from anywhere from 10% all the way up to 50%!!!
  8. Gutters
    Gutters should be cleaned at least twice a year depending on your home’s surroundings. It is just as important to make sure the gutters are properly cleaned through the winter as it is through the spring. Backed-up gutters and a poorly insulated attic can lead to ice damming up and clogged gutters. This can cause a lot of excess weight on your gutters, water seeping behind walls, and also overflowing gutters that are not properly distributing water away from your home’s foundation.