You are planning on building a home! How exciting. When mapping out your plans, include these five no-gos. It will save you time, heartache, and a few dollars. Now, you can focus on the features and design you want. A good building plan means the construction process is done right. Enjoy the benefits of a customized home over purchasing existing homes.
Think it Through
- Your location is balanced against cost.
- Make decisions early.
- Ensure proper financial planning.
- Stick to the Plan
- Give Yourself Time
When Building a Home, Balance Location against Cost
Stick to your budget. Do not overextend your finances. Balance that with what you want with cost. Location plays a lot into this. Living near good schools, entertainment, shopping, and parks improves the quality of life. Having an easy commute makes life a little more stress-free. The money saved in a less-than-ideal location may not be worth the trade-off. What should the building plan include? Think about intangibles like:
- Amenities
- High-rated schools
- Easy access to major roadways for your daily commute
Choose a location that works best for you while staying within your budget.
When Building a Home, Stick to the Plan
All the choices and decisions in custom-built homes can feel overwhelming. Give yourself time to work through all the options. Do this before construction starts. What happens when failing to make these decisions before construction begins? It often leads to building lengthy delays. Delays push costs up. Your goal? Make all decisions before construction starts. Avoid asking for changes or modifications during construction.
When Building a Home, Pad the Budget
Plan finances around the unexpected. Home constructed always runs into the unexpected. Face it: stuff happens. When building a house, that means unexpected expenses. Plan ahead. Pad your budget so that it includes money for the unexpected. Believe it or not, it will save you money. In the long run, without the planning, they will cost you more. Set aside contingency funds that cover unexpected expenses. How much padding should that be? It might range from 10 to 20 percent of your new home budget.
Bringing in New Professionals After the Design Process
Professional used in home building brings their own unique knowledge to the table. Having their input during the planning stage helps. It reduces the unexpected. It helps plan the budget. You have a home designed the way you want it.
For example:
You will work with an architect, construction crew, and interior designer. Gather your whole team for the design phase. This helps avoid complications or issues later on. Changing architectural designs to accommodate construction and interior design is expensive. Having the building modified because interior designers cost more money. Both cause delays. All professionals involved must agree from the start.
When Building a Home, Don’t Hurry the Planning Process
While you might be eager to have your new home built, don’t rush through the planning process. Take your time going over design options and choosing the custom features you want. This helps ensure you end up with what you want. You get the best layout, floor plan, and features based on your preferences.
Do it Right from the Start
Plan out your new home. Pick the best location. Don’t waffle after the process starts, but stick to the plan. Be honest with your finances and plan for some lumps and bumps. Bring all the players together so the building plan is as complete as possible. Give yourself time to have things done right. In the end, your dream home is ready for your new life. Bring Aria in from the start. Let us help you find the perfect property.